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Image by Amauri Mejía


Atanur MemiÅŸ


Turkish Instructor for Foreigners / Bilgi University


Intercreatural Photography

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Atanur MemiÅŸ

Evren Çelik Wiltse
Associate Professor / South Dakota University

Evren Çelik Wiltse

Women's Paths to Power: Female Presidents and Prime Ministers, 1960-2020

From Brazil to Bangladesh, Liberia to Switzerland, Malta to the Marshall Islands, more and more women are rising to the top level of political leadership. What can we learn from this? What kinds of conditions and political institutions pave the way for a woman's ascendance to power?


Democratic Reform and Consolidation: The Cases of Mexico and Turkey

According to Freedom House, 'partly free' societies account for roughly a quarter of the world's population, across around 60 countries. Such countries pose interesting challenges to researchers: they are not blatantly authoritarian regimes, because they have rather established, competitive elections.

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